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Webinar: How to Have your Say without Crossing the Line: Unions and Political Activity


In this webinar, moderated by Kirsten Mercer, we discussed what your trade union or organization needs to know about engaging in political activity and lobbying. As Part One of a two-part webinar series, the discussion in this session focused on political activity, particularly during an election period.

Christine Davies started the webinar with a discussion of the regulation of third party election advertising under the Ontario Elections Act, and the recent changes to this regime under Bill 254.

Melanie Anderson then set out the federal regime for regulating third party activities during the pre-election and election periods under the Canada Elections Act.

Josh Mandryk rounded out the seminar with a discussion of the Municipal Elections Act and what regulations apply to third parties in relation to municipal elections.

Part Two of the series, which will focus on lobbying, will be held in the fall.

Here are the PowerPoint slides used in the presentation. UPDATE: The Ontario Superior Court has released its decision in Working Families v. Ontario. The Court struck down a number of the Ford government’s amendments to the Election Finances Act, so the PowerPoint slides are out of date on that issue. We explain the Court’s decision here.

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