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We cannot insist that sexual assault survivors ‘go public’
September 25, 2019
Emma Phillips comments on the criticisms leveled at the use of non-disclosure agreements in sexual abuse and harassment cases
Advanced mediation: The solicitor’s new best friend
September 17, 2019
In the September 2019 issue of Canadian Lawyer, Natai Shelsen discusses the benefits of advanced mediation, the latest trend in civil dispute resolution.
How to Successfully Mediate Human Rights Disputes
July 31, 2019
In this article for ADR Update, Natai Shelsen discusses important factors for mediators to consider when asked to mediate a human rights dispute.
What is the Crown’s duty to consult Indigenous peoples?
July 02, 2019
In this paper, Natai Shelsen answers the basic questions related to the Crown's duty to consult and accommodate Indigenous peoples.
Cannabis Testing in the Workplace: Overview and Current Issues
June 12, 2019
In light of the recent legalization of cannabis, Mary-Elizabeth Dill canvasses the current legal frameworks for drug testing in the unionized workplace.
Ontario’s legal aid cuts will leave refugee claimants more vulnerable
April 24, 2019
In this Globe and Mail op-ed, John Evans discusses the impact of the Ford government's actions in cutting off legal aid assistance for refugee claimants.