Our lawyers have written and published extensively in their areas of expertise, including the leading labour law texts Ontario Labour Relations Board Law and Practice , Trade Union Law in Canada and Contract Clauses.
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Lending a Helping Paw: An Overview of the Law of Service Animals in Ontario
May 15, 2017
In this paper prepared for the OBA Annual Update on Human Rights, Kelly Doctor discusses the legal regimes that apply to service animals in Ontario.
The public interest in binding arbitration for doctors
March 15, 2017
Howard Goldblatt and Steven Barrett argue that binding interest arbitration is a bedrock principle of a publicly funded health care system.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered? The TPP and Canada’s public postal service
August 21, 2016
Daniel Sheppard and Louis Century examine how rules contained in the Trans-Pacific Partnership may constrain the activities of Canada Post.
After sexual violence revelations, Canada must help restore confidence in UN peacekeeping
July 14, 2016
In this Globe & Mail op-ed, Emma Phillips looks at the role Canada might play, and the significant challenges it would face, in restoring confidence in UN peacekeeping.
Many college internships in Ontario may be illegal
May 31, 2016
In their "Law of Work" guest blog, Nadine Blum and Josh Mandryk argue that students at private career colleges are entitled to be paid for internships.
Moving Toward Consistency:Changes for Multijurisdictional MEPPs in Quebec and New Brunswick
March 01, 2016
Doug LeFaive discusses recent legislative and regulatory changes governing multijurisdictional MEPPs in Quebec and New Brunswick.