Our lawyers have written and published extensively in their areas of expertise, including the leading labour law texts Ontario Labour Relations Board Law and Practice , Trade Union Law in Canada and Contract Clauses.
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Job Loss and COVID-19: Q&A for Ontario Workers
May 25, 2020
Louis Century has prepared this Q&A for non-unionized Ontario workers who have lost, or might lose, their jobs as a result of COVID-19. [Updated on May 25]
Coping With COVID-19 in the Workplace
May 22, 2020
We have prepared a memo that addresses many of the workplace legal issues employees and unions are dealing with as a result of COVID-19 [Updated to May 19, 2020].
Foodora Canada Saga Highlights the Failure of Canada’s Workplace Protection Regimes
May 05, 2020
Josh Mandryk explains why the Foodora Canada saga is a damning indictment of our hands-off regulation of the gig economy.
Is carbon divestment becoming obligatory for pension plans?
April 20, 2020
In this Benefits Canada Head to Head article, Simon Archer advocates pension fund divestment from carbon and fossil fuel assets.
March 20, 2020
Bill 186 expands emergency leave under the ESA to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Employment Benefits After Talos
December 03, 2019
In this paper, Emma Phillips and Dan Sheppard discuss the Talos case, and look at the rights of employees over age 65 to workplace benefits.