Ontario Labour Relations Board Law and Practice, 3rd edition
Goldblatt Partners
Ontario Labour Relations Board Law and Practice, 3rd edition (Toronto: Butterworths, 1997) (loose-leaf)
First published in 1973, Ontario Labour Relations Board: Law and Practice is an indispensable tool for anyone who appears before the Ontario Labour Relations Board.
Published in a loose-leaf format, and updated regularly, Ontario Labour Relations Board: Law and Practice keeps practitioners current with Board’s jurisprudence, procedures and rules, as well as with changes in relevant legislation. The publication includes chapters on:
- Organization of the Board and General Matters of Practice
- Application of the Labour Relations Act, 1995
- Certification and Termination of Bargaining Rights
- Unfair Labour Practices
- Sale of a Business and Related Employers
- Jurisdictional Disputes
- Construction Industry Labour Law
- First Contract Arbitration
- Appointment of Conciliation Officers and Arbitrators
- Proceedings under other statutes over which the Board has jurisdiction
- Judicial Review of Board decisions
- The Impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms