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Author: Vanessa Payne

Wrongful dismissal 101: What are your rights under Ontario’s ESA?

If you are a non-unionized employee in Ontario, what are your rights if you are dismissed? This post is a Wrongful Dismissal 101 for employees covered by the Ontario Employment Standards Act.

March 3, 2021

What is Ontario’s Pay Equity Act?

Ontario’s pay equity laws aim to ensure that work traditionally done by women is paid the same as work traditionally done by men. Danielle Leon Foun Lin and Willow Petersen explain how you can apply these laws to eliminate wage gaps.

March 2, 2021
Willow Petersen

How do I prove that my dog is a “service animal”?

The law is not simple when it comes to proving that a dog is a service animal. Kelly Doctor discusses how you can make sure that your dog is able to support you when you need it most.

March 1, 2021
Kelly Doctor

What is a pension? The basics of retirement income

Pensions come in all shapes and sizes, and you are lucky if you have a good one. Simon Archer and David Sworn take you through the basics of retirement income.

February 28, 2021
Simon Archer David Sworn

Aboriginal law 101: What is the duty to consult?

The duty to consult is complex and fact-specific. Natai Shelsen discusses the Crown’s obligation to consult with Indigenous groups when their Aboriginal rights or claims could be affected by government decisions.

February 28, 2021
Natai Shelsen

The Grenville Christian College decision: Establishing systemic negligence in class action trials

The Ontario Superior Court recently held that an institution was systemically negligent while relying on relatively narrow evidence from select class members. In this blog post, Jody Brown and Erin Sobat review what kind of evidence is necessary to establish systemic negligence in class action trials.

February 25, 2021
Jody Brown

What to do if you are being harassed at work?

February 24 is Pink Shirt Day, a day of action against bullying. At Goldblatt Partners, our labour and employment lawyers frequently help clients deal with workplace harassment and bullying. In this post, we take you through some of the hard but practical considerations you should think about if you are being harassed at work.

February 24, 2021

Can I claim my home office expenses on my tax return?

Now that our homes have become our offices, many employees have questions about claiming home office expenses on their tax returns. Melanie Anderson tells you what you need to know to claim work-related expenses.

January 29, 2021
Melanie Anderson

Webinar – COVID Update 2021

In this webinar, we provided a COVID update and addressed some new COVID-related legal issues.

January 29, 2021
Simon Archer Colleen Bauman Kelly Doctor Kirsten Mercer Daniel Sheppard

Ontario Today: Government says stay home. Boss says come in. Now what?

Dan Sheppard appeared on Ontario Today to answer questions from individuals across Ontario who are struggling with the new COVID rules and how they are to be applied in the workplace. Listen here!

January 21, 2021
Daniel Sheppard