Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2022-2027
In compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005 (“AODA”), this 2022-2027 accessibility plan sets out the policies and practices that Goldblatt Partners has or will put in place to improve accessibility and opportunities for people with disabilities.
Statement of Commitment
Goldblatt Partners is committed to treating all people in a respectful way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the accessibility requirements under the AODA and meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. To that end, we will endeavour to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility, as set out below.
Client Service
We strive for excellence in serving all our clients, including those who may have disabilities. We are committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities have equal access to our legal services and receive the same quality of services in a manner that respects their dignity and independence. In accordance with the terms of our Accessible Client Service Policy, we will:
- communicate with clients and visitors who have disabilities in ways that take into account their disability and facilitate effective communications;
- invite anyone to use their assistive device in order to access or benefit from our services;
- welcome to our premises clients and visitors who are accompanied by a support person
- welcome to our premises clients and visitors who rely on service animals;
- provide, at least twice per year, training for the newest members of the Firm on communicating appropriately with people with various types of disabilities, and to include in this training any other members of the firm who may wish to refresh their training; and
- maintain a process for receiving and responding to feedback.
Emergency Response Information
We will provide clients and visitors with publicly available emergency information in an accessible manner upon request.
We will ensure that training is provided to all members of the Firm on the requirements of AODA and the Human Rights Code (the “Code”). Training will be provided to members of the Firm in a way that is appropriate to their duties. In particular:
- We will conduct a general orientation and review of our accessibility policies for all new employees, including a review of our training instructions on how to communicate with persons with various kinds of disabilities. This orientation will take place within two weeks of an employee’s start date.
- We will provide mandatory, comprehensive training and instruction for all new employees at least twice per year on:
- the AODA and its intersection with the Code;
- the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards and the Code as they pertain to persons with disabilities;
- the Firm’s accessibility policies, including the requirements of our Accessible Client Service Policy;
- how to communicate with clients and others with various types of disabilities, including how to interact with persons who use different types of assistive devices, persons who are accompanied by a support person, persons who use a service animal, and what to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing our services.
- Other employees who wish to refresh their training will also be welcome to attend the comprehensive training sessions. We will also make online training available to our employees in between the training sessions conducted by the firm.
We will provide updated training to all employees where Firm accessibility policies have been amended or statutory requirements have changed.
We will keep a record of employee training, including the dates on which it is provided and the number of individuals who participated.
Information and communications
Goldblatt Partners is committed to meeting the communications needs of people with disabilities, including with respect to the Firm’s feedback process. We will take the following steps to ensure our feedback process is accessible:
- We will ensure that clients and members of the public can provide feedback through a number of formats, including by mail, email, phone, fax and/or personal visits to one of our offices.
- We will endeavour to acknowledge all feedback within five business days, with the understanding that follow-up may be required.
- All feedback will be reviewed for possible action that can be taken to improve our service delivery.
- Where an individual requests a response to feedback in an accessible format, we will consult with the individual to ensure the response is provided in an appropriate accessible format.
- We will provide our staff with ongoing training on how to provide services and receive feedback in a manner compliant with AODA’s Customer Service Accessibility Standards for persons with disabilities.
Upon request, we will provide information about our firm and its services in accessible formats or with communications supports to persons with disabilities. This will be done in a timely manner that takes into account the person’s accessibility needs and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons. If information or communications are unconvertible, we will explain why the information or communications are unconvertible and provide a summary of the unconvertible information or communications. We will consult with persons with disabilities to determine their specific communications needs.
Goldblatt Partners expects to develop a new website in the coming months and will ensure that, except where it is not practicable, the website and web content will conform with WCAG 2.0, Level AA.
We are committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
We will accommodate people with disabilities during our recruitment processes, as well as when people are hired. This includes the following practices:
- Internal and external job postings for employment opportunities at Goldblatt Partners will reflect the Firm’s commitment to the AODA and to providing accommodations for applicants with disabilities in the recruitment process.
- Accommodation during the interview process will be offered to applicants when they are selected for an interview. Where accommodations are requested, we will consult with the applicant to ensure suitable accommodations commensurate with their accessibility needs are provided.
- Employment contracts signed between a non-unionized employee and the Firm will include a reference to the Firm’s commitment to AODA principles and to accommodating employees with disabilities.
We note that the collective agreements signed between the Firm and its employees’ unions have been updated to include provisions reflecting the Firm’s commitment to AODA principles and accommodating employees with disabilities.
We will develop individual accommodation plans, where needed, and return-to-work plans for employees who have been absent due to a disability:
- Requests for accommodation will be dealt with on an individual basis, in consultation with the employee’s union where applicable and requested, and the privacy of the employee will be reasonably protected.
- Individual accommodation plans and return-to-work plans will be in writing and kept on file confidentially. Plans will be reviewed periodically and updated as required.
- The accessibility needs of employees will be taken into account whenever performance management, career development and redeployment processes are implemented. Feedback and coaching will be provided in a manner that is accessible to employees with disabilities.
We will also develop individualized workplace emergency response plans for employees with disabilities who may require assistance in the event of a workplace emergency. An individualized workplace emergency response plan will be reviewed whenever the employee’s individual accommodation plan, if any, is reviewed; when the firm reviews its emergency response policies each year; and when an employee transfers between the firm’s offices.
Public and Client Spaces
Goldblatt Partners will comply with AODA in respect to the design of public and client spaces. It will also ensure that procedures are in place for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces as required.
Plan Review
Goldblatt Partners will review and update this Plan at least once every five years.
On a regular basis, Goldblatt Partners will also assess, review, and where necessary, amend its policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the AODA.
For more information or to obtain policies
For more information about this multi-year accessibility plan, or to obtain copies of our accessibility policies, accessible formats of any of our AODA documents or policies, or copies of our accessibility compliance reports, contact:
In Toronto: Sandra Valentine
Tel: 416-979-4236
Toll Free: 1-800-387-5422 or 1-866-746-5291
Fax: 416-591-7333
Email: Sandra Valentine
In Ottawa: Amy Quinn O’Brien
Tel: 613-482-2454
Toll Free: 1-888-746-6881
Fax: 613-235-3041
Email: Amy Quinn O’Brien
For more information on our feedback process, see our Accessible Client Service Policy.