AODA Accessibility Policy
A. Purpose
Goldblatt Partners LLP and SCGM Management (together “the Firm”) are committed to the principles set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
We believe in integration, equal opportunity and treating people in a respectful way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. To that end, we will endeavour to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility and will meet our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.
This AODA Accessibility Policy sets out our policies in a number of areas.
B. Training
The Firm strives for excellence in serving all our clients. We are committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities have equal access to our legal services and receive the same quality of services as other individuals, in a manner that respects their dignity and independence.
To this end, we provide training for our lawyers and staff on the AODA, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), and the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code that relate to persons with disabilities.
Our training includes:
- An overview of the purposes of the AODA and the intersection of AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- A review of the Firm’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, this Accessibility Policy, and our Accessible Client Service Policy.
- Instruction on: (a) How to communicate with clients and visitors who have various types of disabilities in ways that take into account their disability and facilitate effective communications; (b) How to interact with persons who use different kinds of assistive devices to access or benefit from our services; (c) How to interact properly with people who rely on service animals, including respecting the animal’s working role at all times; (d) How to interact with persons who are accompanied by a support person, and the policies we have in place to safeguard a client’s confidential information when communications occur in the presence of the client’s support person; and (e) What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing our services.
- Training on the other accessibility standards under the IASR
Our training is provided by a lawyer with knowledge and expertise in the requirements of both the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code. The training sessions are part instruction, part interactive, and include time for questions.
The accessibility training received by the members of the Firm relates to their specific roles in the workplace.
The materials used in the training, including detailed instructions on how to communicate with persons with disabilities and how to interact with persons who use service animals, a support person or an assistive device. Written versions of these instructions are readily available to all members of the Firm at any time.
In addition, all members of the Firm are welcome to attend AODA training sessions, even if they have attended the training in the past.
We provide training to newly hired employees as soon as practicable, and provide ongoing training whenever changes are made to our policies or guidelines. We also encourage employees who have had training in the past to attend additional training sessions to refresh their knowledge.
Specifically, we offer in depth training at least twice per year, usually in May or June and again in September or October. We also review this Accessibility Policy and the Firms Accessible Client Service Policy and our guidelines on interacting with people with disabilities as part of the onboarding process, and make online training available to our employees in between the more intensive training sessions conducted by the Firm.
We maintain records of training, including the dates on which training was provided and the number of individuals who attended the training.
C. Assistive Devices
While we do not provide assistive devices to clients or visitors, we invite anyone to use their own assistive device in order to access or benefit from our services.
The members of our Firm are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by clients or visitors while accessing our services.
D. Communication
We communicate with clients and visitors who have disabilities in ways that take into account their disability and facilitate effective communications.
The members of our Firm have been trained on how to communicate appropriately with people with various types of disabilities. We will work with a person with a disability to determine what method of communication works for them.
E. Service Animals
We welcome clients and visitors who rely on service animals. We will ensure that individuals are comfortable bringing a service animal into our premises and that the animal’s working role will be respected at all times.
The members of our Firm have been trained on how to interact properly with people who rely on service animals.
F. Support Persons
We welcome clients and visitors who are accompanied by a support person to our premises. At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to their support person while in our offices.
The members of our Firm have been trained on how to interact with people who are accompanied by a support person.
We have policies in place to safeguard a client’s confidential information when communications occur in the presence of the client’s support person.
G. Notice of Temporary Disruption
Should there be a planned or unexpected disruption in our services, we will notify our clients in a timely manner.
We will post on our website, our social media accounts, and at all public entrances to the Firm a notice that will include, where known, information about the reason for the disruptions, its anticipated length of time and a description of alternative facilities, if available.
H. Feedback Process
Our goal is to ensure unimpeded access to our services for all persons with disabilities, in a manner that respects their dignity and independence and is consistent with the principles of integration and equal opportunity. We welcome and appreciate feedback on whether our services are being provided to persons with disabilities in a manner that achieves this goal.
Feedback can be provided to us by phone or in writing by email, fax, regular mail or personal delivery. If you prefer to provide feedback in person, an appointment will be arranged.
Please address your feedback or appointment request to one of the individuals whose names appear at the end of this policy.
The privacy and confidentiality of individuals who contact us will be respected. However, we also welcome anonymous feedback.
We will endeavour to acknowledge all feedback (except anonymous feedback) within five business days, with the understanding that follow-up may be required. All feedback will be reviewed for possible action that can be taken to improve our service delivery.
Where a complaint is made, we will address it immediately whenever possible. However, some complaints may require more time to address. Complainants will be notified of the anticipated time required to address their concerns and of the actions that are ultimately taken by the Firm.
We will respond to all feedback in a manner that takes into account the disability of the person providing the feedback, if any. We will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats or communications supports, upon request.
I. Notice of Availability of Documents
We notify the public that our documents related to accessible customer service are available on request by including that information in our Accessible Client Service Policy and by posting a notice in the following locations:
- In the client reception areas in our Toronto and Ottawa offices; and
- On our website
We will provide these documents in an accessible format or with communication support, on request. We will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the format or communication support. We will provide the accessible format in a timely manner and, at no additional cost.
J. Information and Communications
We are committed to meeting the communications needs of persons with disabilities.
We have a process for receiving and responding to feedback and the process is accessible to persons with disabilities upon request: See section H above.
We communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. When requested, we will provide information about the Firm and its services in an accessible format or with communication supports. The information will be provided in a timely way and any cost that may be charged will be no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
We will consult the individual making the request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support. If we determine that information or communications are unconvertible, we will explain to the individual why the information or communications are unconvertible and provide a summary of the unconvertible information or communications.
We notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports by posting this AODA Accessibility Policy in the reception areas of our Toronto and Ottawa offices and by posting the Policy and a notice on our website.
Persons who require services in an accessible format or with communication support should contact one of the individuals whose names appear at the end of this policy.
Except where meeting this requirement is not practicable, the Firm’s website(s) and web content will meet the requirements of WCAG 2.0, Level AA.
K. Public Safety Information
The Firm does not prepare emergency procedures, plans, or public safety information for the public.
However, upon request, we will endeavour to assist our clients and visitors with disabilities in obtaining emergency procedures, plans, or public safety information related to the Firm’s premises in an accessible format and in a timely manner (e.g., emergency procedures or public safety information that our landlords may have prepared and can provide).
L. Employment
The Firm is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
We will accommodate people with disabilities during our recruitment processes, as well as when people are hired. This includes the following practices:
- The relevant career pages of our website notify everyone that we welcome applications from people with disabilities and will make accommodations available upon request for applicants who take part in any recruitment process. In addition, both our internal and external job postings for employment opportunities notify prospective applicants that the Firm will provide accommodations for applicants with disabilities in the recruitment process.
- Accommodation during the interview process will be offered to applicants when they are selected for an interview. Where accommodations are requested to the materials or the selection process, we will consult with the applicant to ensure suitable accommodations commensurate with their accessibility needs are provided.
- When making an offer of employment, the Firm will notify the successful applicant of our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
- Employment contracts signed between a non-unionized employee and the Firm will include a reference to the Firm’s commitment to AODA principles and accommodating employees with disabilities.
- The collective agreements signed between the Firm and its employees’ unions include provisions reflecting the Firm’s commitment to AODA principles and accommodating employees with disabilities.
The Firm informs all employees of our policy used to support employees with disabilities, including the provision of accommodations for employees with disabilities, and review this policy with new employees during their onboarding process.
Upon the request of an employee with a disability, we will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports for information that is needed for the employee to perform their job and information that is generally available to employees in the workplace. We will consult with the employee in determining a suitable accessible format or communication support.
The Firm has a written process for developing individual accommodation plans, where needed. A request for accommodation in employment will be dealt with on an individual basis, in consultation with the employee’s union where applicable and requested. The employee’s privacy will be reasonably protected.
Individual accommodation plans will be in writing and will be kept on file confidentially. Plans will be reviewed in accordance with our internal policies and updated as necessary.
The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities will be taken into account whenever performance management, career development and redeployment processes are implemented. Feedback and coaching will be provided in a manner that is accessible to employees with disabilities.
We have a written process in place for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work.
We will develop individualized workplace emergency response plans for employees with disabilities who may require assistance in the event of a workplace emergency:
- New employees will be asked about their need for an individualized workplace emergency response plan upon commencing employment.
- Employees returning to work following an absence due to illness or injury will be asked about the need for an individualized workplace emergency response plan as part of their return-to-work plan.
- Employees who require an individual accommodation plan will be asked about their need for an individualized workplace emergency response plan and, where such a plan is required, it will be referenced in, and form part of, the individual accommodation plan.
Individualized workplace emergency response plans will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the IASR and as soon as practicable after the Firm becomes aware of the need for accommodation due to an employee’s disability. A plan will be reviewed:
- whenever the employee’s individual accommodation plan, if any, is reviewed
- when the firm reviews its emergency response policies each year; and
- in the event an employee transfers between the firm’s offices.
M. Design of Public Spaces: Waiting Areas
We will comply with the IASR in respect to the design of spaces to which the public has access – i.e., our client reception areas.
Specifically, we will ensure there is enough open space in our reception areas and boardrooms to allow a person with a mobility device to easily move around and sit and wait.
N. Changes to Existing Policies
The Firm will ensure that any policies that do not respect and promote the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities will be modified or removed.
AODA Contact Persons
If you wish to provide feedback or obtain documents or information about the Firm in an accessible format or with communications support, please contact:
In our Toronto Office:
Sandra Valentine
Goldblatt Partners LLP
20 Dundas West, Suite 1039, Toronto, ON M5G 2C2
Telephone: 416-979-4236
Toll free telephone: 1-800-387-5422 or 1-866-746-5291
Fax: 416-591-7333
In our Ottawa Office:
Amy Quinn O’Brien
Goldblatt Partners LLP
1400 – 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G8
Telephone: 613-482-2454
Toll free telephone: 1-888-746-6881
Fax: 613-235-3041