Notable Cases
Every case is important to us.
Whether we are arguing an appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada, presenting a grievance before an arbitrator, or negotiating an individual contract or a collective agreement, we go to bat for our clients and we get results.
Some of our notable cases can be found using the search tools below.
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Picketing laws cannot ban peaceful consumer leafleting, Supreme Court holds
September 09, 1999
Supreme Court of Canada holds that preventing union members from consumer leafleting violates their freedom of expression guarantee under the Charter.
Opposite-sex definition of spouse in the Income Tax Act violates the Charter
April 23, 1998
The Ontario Court of Appeal has held that the opposite-sex definition of spouse in the Income Tax Act violates the Charter.
Sexual orientation “read into” Alberta’s human rights legislation
April 02, 1998
Supreme Court of Canada holds that the exclusion of sexual orientation from Alberta's human rights statute violates s. 15 of the Charter.
Are employees entitled to termination and severance pay from a bankrupt employer?
January 22, 1998
Supreme Court of Canada holds that employees whose employment is terminated as a result of bankruptcy are entitled to termination and severance pay.
Court refuses to force teachers engaged in a political protest back to work
November 03, 1997
The Superior Court has refused to grant an injunction to force teachers engaged in a province-wide political protest to return to work.
Sexual orientation recognized as a ground of discrimination under the Charter
May 25, 1995
The Supreme Court of Canada holds that sexual orientation is an analogous ground of discrimination under the equality rights provision of the Charter.