Marisa Pollock
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It would be a mistake to underestimate Marisa Pollock. Although occasionally she may not be able to find her keys or cell phone, she can locate the heart of a case in an instant. With a pointed question in cross examination, or a few brief submissions, Marisa disarms her opponents and draws the adjudicator’s attention to what really matters.
Marisa’s understated demeanor belies a deep understanding of labour relations and the law, and a killer strategic instinct. She cut her teeth as an articling student at the Ontario Labour Relations Board in 1990, and since then has represented workers in an eclectic mix of sectors – from horse-racing judges to Hebrew teachers. Marisa has represented small and large unions alike, in every aspect of their activities.
Marisa has been involved in numerous organizing campaigns, providing advice and arguing applications before the labour board. She has negotiated collective agreements on behalf of bargaining units of tens of employees, and bargaining units of tens of thousands of employees.
In grievance arbitration, her strength lies in her ability to dig deep to uncover the facts and issues that are really at stake, and her willingness to question the status quo. She has litigated every issue one could find in a collective agreement , and regularly provides advice to unions about their internal affairs, duty of fair representation defences, human rights issues, negotiation strategy and much, much more. She has long been recognized as a leading labour law practitioner in Best Lawyers in Canada, a peer reviewed guide to leading lawyers.
Marisa may wear her sunglasses at night, but it’s not in tribute to Cory Hart because she doesn’t know who he is. She wears them so that she can, so that she can see.