Read our summary and analysis of Bill 60
On February 21, 2023, the Ontario Ford Government introduced Bill 60, the so-called Your Health Act, 2023. On March 1, the Bill passed second reading, and was referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.
This summary focuses on Schedule 1 of the Bill, which would enact the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act (“ICHSCA”). ISCHA would establish a framework through which private, for-profit corporations (to be known as “integrated community health services centres”) are permitted and encouraged to provide non-hospital based medically necessary health services, including surgical services. ICCHA would replace the Independent Health Facilities Act, a much less ambitious legislative framework which has regulated health facilities for almost 35 years.
By far, the largest category of services that have been provided outside of public hospitals under the IHFA are diagnostic radiology and ultrasound services. This contrasts with the substantial expansion of non-hospital for-profit surgical and other medical services that the Government intends under ICHSCA.
In this summary and analysis, we explain and critically assess some of the key features of ICHSCA. Our summary and analysis are not meant to be exhaustive. Rather, we focus on the implications of the proposed changes for public health care delivery, the diversion of human resources from the public to the private system, the impact on health sector collective bargaining, accountability for quality and safety, and the principles of accessibility and universality.