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Unsolicited: The Blog

The legal world can be tough to navigate – even for lawyers! But understanding your rights is the first step towards protecting them. That’s why we’ve launched Unsolicited, Goldblatt Partners LLP’s blog.

On Unsolicited, we’ll break down the basics on the various areas of law that we practice, and provide commentary on important legal issues.

And, because we’re lawyers, we have to add that these blog posts are for informational purposes only and are not legal advice. If you want to know more or need advice, feel free to contact us.

If you’re looking for information and blog posts on issues related to COVID-19, you can find them here.

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Employment class actions in Ontario: Where are we now and where are we headed?

It has been nearly nine years since the Ontario Court of Appeal’s unpaid overtime class action certification trilogy was released, settling the law regarding the certification of unpaid overtime and employment misclassification class actions. Since then, misclassification class actions have become commonplace, with claims being certified across a wide range of industries and contexts.

July 7, 2021
Joshua Mandryk Jody Brown

The ABCs of gig work

There are many ways to address the growth in precarious work and the social and economic challenges it brings. By simplifying the legal test for determining an employer-employee relationship, we could make a significant and immediate difference to millions of workers in the gig economy and beyond.

May 4, 2021
Joshua Mandryk Simon Archer Steven Barrett Ethan Poskanzer

Wrongful dismissal 101: What are your rights under Ontario’s ESA?

If you are a non-unionized employee in Ontario, what are your rights if you are dismissed? This post is a Wrongful Dismissal 101 for employees covered by the Ontario Employment Standards Act.

March 3, 2021