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Maria Lucas

Maria Lucas



Maria Lucas has always had a strong interest in Indigenous-Crown relations and understands the important role that law plays in reconciling this relationship. In supporting the work of our Aboriginal law practice group, Maria draws on her varied skill set that includes a substantive understanding of the complexities of Aboriginal law, providing capacity to clients in engagement processes and negotiations with governments and proponents, and conducting research and writing to assist clients in advancing and protecting their Indigenous and treaty rights. Maria undertakes this work all with a view to building greater space for the exercise of Indigenous self-determination.

During law school, Maria conducted research on the novel question of Aboriginal title to water in Canada and presented her work in international forums such as the 2019 Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference in New Zealand. Maria has also published a case comment in the Canadian Environmental Law Reports regarding Thomas and Saik’uz First Nation v. Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. 2022 BCSC 15 in which she addressed the defence of statutory authority and the adverse impacts that this defence can have on Indigenous rights.

Maria is a member of the Indigenous Bar Association. When not conducting research and thinking about the complex questions that Aboriginal law raises, Maria enjoys spending time outdoors, being with friends and family and trying new cooking recipes!