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Simon Archer to represent CALL

August 27, 2018

Simon Archer will be a Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers delegate at the Congress of Labor Sciences, Environment, Law and Health.

The Congress will take place at the University of Sâo Paulo law School, from August 27 to September 3. It is the main labour law conference in Brazil, sponsored by the Brazilian Association of Union Lawyers, the Department of Labour Law and Social Security of the Law School of University of Sao Paulo – USP and Fundacentro, the research body of the Labor Ministry.

This Congress is particularly important for the CALL delegation because elections in Brazil will be held this October – the first since the “coup”. There is a wide-ranging military party that is running a campaigning seeking to bring back military government. The Workers’ Party and associated groups are organizing to run and to resist any anti-democratic outcomes.


Simon Archer

Practice Areas

Labour Law, Public Interest Litigation