Speakers’ Corner
Our lawyers frequently speak at seminars and conferences, lead workshops and participate in round table discussions on a wide variety of legal issues.
Our speaking engagements are listed below.
We also teach and give guest lectures at law schools and in other university programs. Check out our On Campus page to find out when we will be visiting your campus.
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Past Events
Steven Shrybman speaks at the COC’s Annual Conference
October 15, 2016
Steven Shrybman will talk about the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement and Big Pharma at the Council of Canadian's Annual Conference.
Shrybman: Whose rights are protected by trade agreements?
June 07, 2016
Steven Shrybman examines how international trade and investment agreements restrict governments' ability to protect the rights of their citizens for the Canadian Council for International Co-operation.
Steven Shrybman talks to labour lawyers about the TPP
June 03, 2016
Steven will discuss labour rights and the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership Treaty at the 2016 Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers conference.
Steven Shrybman talks free trade
May 21, 2016
Steven Shrybman will discuss the opposition to some of Canada's free trade agreements at the 2016 Left Forum Conference
April 01, 2016
Steven Shrybman will discuss the labour provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership at a seminar organized by the Trade Justice Network
Steven Barrett & Steven Shrybman re-claim the “right to work”
December 10, 2015
Steven Barrett and Steven Shrybman will participate in a public forum in which trade unionists, workers' activists and academics examine whether we can re-frame work as a public good, rather than a commodity.
Shrybman addresses the dangers of P3s
July 14, 2015
Steven Shrybman will discuss the dangers of public-private partnerships at a symposium held by the Newfoundland and Labrador division of CUPE.
Steven Shrybman on threats to Canada’s Medicare system
October 19, 2014
Steven Shrybman talks about private clinics and the assault on public health care.
Steven Shrybman on trade agreements and public services
June 07, 2013
Steven Shrybman will talk to labour lawyers about international trade agreements and the protection of public services at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers.
Steven Shrybman talks about voter suppression
April 27, 2013
Steven Shrybman talks about what unions can do to help save democracy at the Alberta Federation of Labour's annual convention.