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CETA and the development of the Alberta Oil Sands

Steven Shrybman

November 04, 2010

The Impact of the CETA on the Development of the Alberta Oil Sands

This opinion, prepared for the Council of Canadians and the Indigenous Environmental Network, discusses the potential impact of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on the pace and character of development of the Alberta oil sands.

The opinion explains how CETA will have a substantial impact on efforts to address the local, regional and global impacts of oil sands developments and may add to the serious impediments that now exist under NAFTA and WTO agreements to establishing effective measures to combat climate change. It also notes that CETA investment rules may seriously exacerbate current problems by providing EU based oil companies with new rights to challenge efforts to contain the pace or character of oil sands development.


Steven Shrybman