Our lawyers have written and published extensively in their areas of expertise, including the leading labour law texts Ontario Labour Relations Board Law and Practice , Trade Union Law in Canada and Contract Clauses.
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The Impact of GATS on Public Sector Libraries
May 01, 2001
This opinion considers the impact of GATS on public sector libraries in Canada.
Information, Commodification and the World Trade Organization
July 01, 2000
Steven Shrybman discusses the impact of current trade policy, which reflects corporate priorities of privatization and de-regulation.
January 01, 2000
Contract Clauses analyses over 1200 contract clauses from existing collective agreements in all Canadian jurisdictions.
The World Trade Organization: A Citizen’s Guide
January 01, 1999
Steven Shrybman’s guide will help you understand the WTO.
January 01, 1994
This follow-up to Discharge and Discipline reviews additional arbitration awards dealing with discharge and discipline
January 01, 1989
This text reviews arbitration awards dealing with discharge and discipline.