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Bill 18 to enhance access to justice for precarious workers
November 17, 2014
Ryan Newell examines how Bill 18’s amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 will impact the working lives of low-wage and precarious workers.
A good first step towards stopping unpaid internship scams in Ontario
August 20, 2014
Josh Mandryk thinks Bill 22 could be a positive response to the chorus of voices calling on the government to crackdown on illegal unpaid internship scams.
Upgrading Ontario’s fair wage policy: how to build better construction jobs
August 06, 2014
Modernizing Ontario’s fair wage policy would help to ensure fair competition on public construction tendering, says GP's Josh Mandryk.
Ontario Court of Appeal Slams Walmart’s “Reprehensible” Treatment of Employee
June 25, 2014
Christine Davies examines the Ontario Court of Appeal's landmark decision on an employer’s obligation to act in good faith.
HRTO finds that Coroners Act does not discriminate against migrant workers
May 14, 2014
Ryan Newell explains how the HRTO decided that exclusion from mandatory inquest provisions does not discriminate against migrant workers.
The Case for a Stronger Fair Wage Policy in Ontario
May 08, 2014
In this report prepared for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Josh Mandryk analyzes Ontario’s fair wage policy.