Our lawyers have written and published extensively in their areas of expertise, including the leading labour law texts Ontario Labour Relations Board Law and Practice , Trade Union Law in Canada and Contract Clauses.
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An Analysis of the Summary Investigation Report on Robocalls of the Commissioner of Canada Elections
May 06, 2014
Steven Shrybman analyses the Commissioner of Elections' Summary Investigation Report on Robocalls.
Opinion on Canada’s reservations under CETA
March 15, 2012
Steven Shrybman assesses Canada’s proposed reservations in regard to the services and investment rules of the CETA.
Trade Rules Increase Risk of Hydro Privatization
December 01, 2010
In this opinion, Steven Shrybman discusses how Canada’s international trade obligations impose significant constraints on Ontario’s electricity sector.
CETA and the development of the Alberta Oil Sands
November 04, 2010
Steven Shrybman discusses the potential impact of CETA on the Alberta oil sands.
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
May 26, 2010
Steven Shrybman explains the potential impacts of CETA on municipal government authority.
How P3s Could Make Local Governments Vulnerable to CUPA
January 01, 2010
In this opinion, Steven Shrybman considers the use of P3s and the Canada-United States Procurement Agreement.