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Webinar: Accommodating workers and their families


This webinar on accommodating workers is one of a series of Zoom webinars we are holding on employment law issues associated with COVID-19.

On Friday, April 17, 2020, Kelly Doctor, Heather Ann McConnell and Mary-Elizabeth Dill led a webinar on Accommodating workers and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moderated by Dan Sheppard, this webinar examined family status accommodation, accommodation issues for workers who are working from home, accommodation issues for employees who are still in the workplace, and family leaves and benefits available to workers.

You can find more about family status accommodation here, and more about the leaves that may be available to you here.

You can get the PowerPoint presentation here.

Photo of the Accommodating Workers and Their Families webinar screen

Stay tuned for more webinars, and watch your inbox for the invitations!