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Category: CERB

CERB and EI: What programs can I apply for?

Clio Godkewitsch will help you understand and navigate federal income supports that are available if you aren’t able to work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

November 16, 2020
Clio Godkewitsch

Returning from pregnancy or parental leave during COVID-19?

UPDATED: Daycares are starting to reopen, but that does not necessarily mean you will be in a position to return to work from a pregnancy or parental leave. Sarah Rostom outlines the job-protected leaves available to employees who cannot return to work from pregnancy or parental leave due to COVID-19.

June 29, 2020

What COVID-19 income support do I qualify for in Ontario?

From students to seniors, many across Canada are struggling with the financial impact of the coronavirus. Mariam Moktar takes us through the various COVID-19 income support benefits currently available in Ontario.

May 6, 2020

Webinar: Termination, Layoff, and Government Benefits

The materials for our webinar on “Termination, Layoff, and Government Benefits for Unionized Employees in the Age of COVID-19 are available here.

May 5, 2020
Simon Archer Colleen Bauman Fiona Campbell Ben Katz Kelly Doctor

Worker income supports during the COVID-19 crisis: Your guide to CERB and EI

Not sure if you qualify for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit or Employment Insurance? Daniel Sheppard and Natasha Abraham tell you what you need to know about government benefits. UPDATED

April 26, 2020
Daniel Sheppard

We answer your biggest COVID-19 employment questions

We had many questions following our “Keeping Up with COVID-19” webinar. In this post, Ben Katz answers some of the biggest COVID-19 employment questions.

April 21, 2020
Ben Katz